Subject: On this Thanksgiving Day🦃🍂Friend...

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Another rough year and still I'm grateful! 

All hope is not lost as long as we have others to love and to love us.

Today I give thanks for the family who will always have my back.

For the friends that always believe in me, sometimes more than I do.

For the food on the table and the roof over my head.

For being able to get out of bed yet one more day and experience life.

To have the priviledge of serving in a way that fills my heart.

And for you, my community of friends, acquaintances and clients. You are the reason I wake up with intention about how I might serve and make a difference in your life. You give my life purpose and for that I am truly thanksful!

What are YOU grateful for today?

From my home to yours, I send you my sincerest wishes for a day that is filled with all the things you love and that you are grateful for (including yourself).

HAPPY THANKSGIVING Friend 🍂🦃 and lots of love 💖

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