Subject: [Newsletter] Action creates Momentum

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Hi Friend,

I'm sure you've seen the Nike slogan "Just dot it!"?  It's a really powerful statement about pushing past all the inner chatter that keeps us out of the game. Life can be the same way. Sometimes we can find ourselves stuck in a place, unable to make a move out of it. I know I've been there.

I would spend so much time rehashing in my mind what was NOT working but felt incapable of doing anything about it. Of course I knew, intellectually, that the only thing that was going to make a difference was to actually DO something about it, but in those moments, I felt so stuck. It seemed that the more I talked about how frustrated, unhappy or stuck I was, the more I'd find myself going down the rabbit hole.

It's like a spiral... our thoughts create a vortex that pull us in... sometimes fear can pull us into something that feels like quicksand. The more we lay idle in a problem or situation, the harder it is to break out of it.

It saddens me when I talk to individuals who have been in the same, unhappy place for so very long that they have even lost hope that it could ever change. But I know better!! Just one move, even the smallest step can pull them out of that hole. One small steps can lead to another and soon momentum is built that can change everything.

Today's blog gives a few simple steps for turning things around, taking that first step and getting unstuck. I hope these suggestions, that can apply to ANY situation in our life, will help you or someone you know who might need this at this time.

To your continued success,

"An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox.” Lao Tzu

Empowerment In Action
Have you ever been stuck in a rut of inertia before? If you have, you probably know the sense of helpless futility that takes over your life when you find yourself there. You want your life to change, but you feel powerless to do anything about it yourself. You may find yourself constantly making plans to improve your life, but never quite getting around to taking action because it seems so intimidating.

Though taking action can intimidate and frighten you, it can also empower you! If you learn to use it effectively, it can provide the fuel to keep you moving forward toward more fulfilling life circumstances. When you do this, you realize that there was never anything to fear in the first place, and you’ll never get stuck again!

<Read More Here>

Case Study

Rosalynn was stuck in an unhappy life. Experiences had led to disappointments so much so that she had begun to shut down. She was living a life of default and emotional void. She had learned to not ask for anything, not wish for anything and just go along with life as it happened. Her life was an existence, NOT a life. She did not know what she wanted, where to get it or how to get it. The only thing that was pulling her heart was the desire to be a good mom to her boys. It took a little work to uncover where her joy was to be found aside from becoming a great mom.
In the beginning she was unsure that she would even be able to do the work to get results but I knew better. Little by little, taking baby steps, she began to see what was possible for her and for her life. She began to step out of the numb life she had settled for and experiencing new results.
She now sees the potential she holds within and knows that SHE CAN take the actions required to get her there. Starting with no vision for her life she is now crafting a beautiful image for what life can look like for her and her family all the while discovering the kind of women she's always been on the inside.

(the name has been changed to respect her anonymity)


I'm here for you. If I can assist you in any way...

