Subject: My Holiday Wishes for you [[firstname]🎄🎁

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This year at Christmas I want to send you the gift of HOPE.

That no matter how hard of a year it has been, there is always hope for tomorrow; that is the TRUE meaning of the Season.

May you feel God's love reflected around you, in friends and loved ones, and may you know that peace is waiting for you inside your soul.

As you align more and more with your soul, you align with God and the peace that is of GOD becomes more and more real to you.

PEACE is your destiny when you do the inner-work and when you do, you bless yourself and others while also pleasing God as you become a greater vessel of love.

So, may you know the peace that alignment with your soul creates, and may you seek it with all your heart - your true purpose.

Sending my very best wishes to you and yours.

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