Subject: It starts with this ONE thing ☝️

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if you want to change anything in your life, it starts with this ONE thing.

You don't need to know how to do it, where to do it, when to do it or what steps you'll need to take - honestly, you don't need to know ANYTHING about how to ACTUALLY do the thing you want to do... you just need to set an INTENTION that you will.

INTENTION are SO powerful, it's the equivalent of summoning the power of the universe in support of your new decision.

But make no mistake, the energy and the desire behind your INTENTION has to be REAL. You have to REALLY want to do what you're contemplating. You have to be REALLY ready to step into that INTENTION. You have to feel it in your bones, in your mind and in your heart.

But when you do... oh boy! When you are ready to say I WILL then it does not matter how much in the dark you are about the THING you are intending to do.

It does NOT matter if you have NO clue what your first step and then next should be, because, in the moment that God/Universe/Higher Power/Source feels your genuine, heart felt intention... the waters will part (metaphorically speaking) and the path (the how, with whom, where and when) will be revealed to you one by one.

When you are truly ready, magic will show up to guide you along the path of fulfilling your intention. You will NOT be alone in your quest but rather, you will be surrounded by angels to make sure you 'get there'.

So what's on your heart? What could you improve upon? Are you ready to summon your angels?

I've summoned mine and they've shown up. Yours are waiting for your intention.

Giving you permission to change the things you can ❣

To your grand life Friend ☺

P.S. Happiness is your birth right yet it requires that you CLAIM it!!!

I can help guide you if it feels aligned 💖

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