Subject: ✍️Inspiration: I take charge of my life each day

Happy Sunday Friend!!!

I want you to know how much I appreciate you ♥!!

I'm grateful for you being in my life and being able to communicate with you this way.

Gratitude is one of the strongest feelings and when we practice it, it brings more to be grateful for in return.

In today's Reflection titled Being grateful for where I am forges the path to where I want to be, I share reflections on why you would practice gratitude.

Go  HERE  to read it now and then answer the question:

How has showing someone gratitude brought you something good in return?

Gratitude is a practice you must cultivate and when you do, life feels a little sweeter because you are consciously reflecting on all the blessings that are always around us.

Something to think about.

To your Reflections Friend!

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