Subject: ✍️Inspiration: I love freely

Happy Sunday Friend?

Today I'm sending you lots of love 💖

It feels good to know we are loved doesn't it? And I would say it feels equally good to love, would you agree?

Love is the universal energy that multiplies itself; the more we give it away the more it grows.

I truly believe that is how God wired us to be - to feel love and to express love.

I know you know this but it is always worth reminding ourselves that love is the one energy that heals, binds, soothes and transcends everything - ALWAYS.

So today I'm popping in with today's Reflection 
titled I Love Freely - Click HERE to read it.

Your willingness to love openly and freely is a gift you give not only to others but to yourself.

Check your heart for any emotion, memory, belief or judgement that keeps you from seeing everyone and everything as worthy of your love because, in so doing, you are finding the areas within yourself that you still find unlovable.

Funny how that works - you can only give freely what you first experience inwardly.

Hit reply to this email and let me know what you have discovered about loving opening and freely - I would really love to know.

Sending you much love and wishing you and open heart Friend 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻

P.S. 💌 Friend, Emotional Intelligence is the ability to love without restraint because the beliefs and/or emotions that keep you feeling separate from others are no longer there.

When you come home to yourself, make peace with all your parts then you are able to see that love and forgiveness reflected outwardly into the world making you free to love and be loved.

Everything you experience in life is in direct proportion to your understanding of yourself, your environment and what's truly possible for you. When you expand that understanding, your life expands in proportion to it.

Here's the link to my calendar if you want to schedule a time 💝 to chat and see how I can help you transform yourself and your life the way I did me/mine. It's my GIFT to you - heart to heart, and the conversation is always free and without any pressure.

Sometimes, just hopping on a call with someone who understands, cares, holds no judgement and has gone through the fire of life may just be the best gift you can give yourself. I'm here for you.

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