Happy Sunday Friend?
How have you been? Good I hope 💖
I have a friend, a really good friend, who is always ready and willing to tell me how she feels.
She tells me what she appreciates about me and thanks me easily but she's also able to let me know when I've disappointed her or let her down in some way (because we all do that even if we don't mean to).
I love that honesty in her because I never have to worry about her holding in some feelings that would end up getting in the way of our friendship. With this level of openness and honesty, we can always discuss any situation and resolve any issue as it shows up.
That is the beauty of true and healthy communication and it's the subject of today's Reflection titled Honest Discourse Eliminates Barriers - Click HERE to read it.
It's really difficult to have a great relationship if there isn't full disclosure and honesty in it. Often times is the things we are afraid or unwilling to say that drive the biggest swards🗡 between two people. Unspoken feelings can take a great relationship and eventually wear it down.
Your willingness to being open and honest at all times will keep your relationships clear of resentments and obstacles that can build walls between two people and drive them apart.
Open communication is a strength that comes with Emotional Intelligence and one that people truly admire.
Hit reply to this email and let me know what you have discovered about being open and honest about all your feelings.
Sending you much love and wishing you beautiful relationships Friend 👩🏽🤝👩🏻