Subject: 😮I went on a diet and this happened (it's not what you may think)

I went on a diet and this happened (it's not what you may think)
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I recently started a new diet to heal some major stomach issues I've been having - and true to the primary motivation for us humans, when the PAIN gets terrible enough, we take notice, step up and do something about it.


This AIP (Auto-immune Protocol) diet is highly restrictive, and I've had to say buh bye to some of my fav foods like bread and pasta that have been my staple since being born and raised in Italy 🙁. Ugh! I'm not going to lie - it's stretching me at times. Yet, there has been an exciting side benefit that I did not expect.


I've always known that what we put our energy and attention to grows, yet one area I had not paid much attention to is my diet. Oh, I noticed my midsection expanding, but I've never quite embraced my relationship with food until now.


It's interesting that since I've made some massive changes, it requires me to pay attention to what I eat, and doing so gives rise to an appreciation of all the beautiful things that God provides for nourishment.


I've never looked at vegetables and fruits the way I do now. I participated in eating because I was hungry, sad, or frustrated and rarely focused on the nutritional value it may be providing. I guess you could say I was unconscious in the process, and now I'm waking up to it.


It's almost becoming a spiritual practice of sorts; noticing, tasting, and giving thanks for every morsel, the texture, taste, and satisfaction of the variety of flavors.


And for the first time in a long time, I feel my outer being aligned with my soul. I’ve done a lot of inner work in the last 35 years, healing wounds, expanding my consciousness, and creating a strong and resilient, peaceful person; however, I paid little attention to my body and the food I was feeding it. That’s now changing. Now, the whole being called Elena is being tended to with conscious intention and love.  What a beautiful process of integration.


And through a higher lens, I see the Divine plan of it all. The condition of extreme pain was created for me to take notice and RESOLVE it. This is the process of life - some of us are only moved to action when the pain is great enough.


So how about you, what are you not paying attention to that needs resolution. What pain do you continually push aside because, frankly, it's not painful enough (until one day it will be)?


Your life is meant to be a full expression of your inner beauty and potential - anything that takes you away from that needs your attention.


Here is to your fullest expression, my friend.


P.S. Don't keep stepping over the challenges that are repeating in your life. The painful themes in your life will continue until you TAKE notice and resolve them. I guarantee you that much.

Want my help?

I'd love to Chat with you Elena
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