Subject: How to keep the momentum in your life and biz

Hi Friend,

There you are on your way to creating your dreams. You wear many different hats and balance multiple projects. You're going full steam ahead and then BAM...

You get stuck with a question that derails you off your productivity train. You're unsure what step you should take, what idea you should run with, what option is the best one or a slew of other decision that can sometimes stop you in your tracks. Sometimes it even takes you days to figure out your answers all the while you're not making ANY progress. And sometimes, you even start to wonder..."Can I really do this?"

That’s when you could really use a kick in the A______ (fill in the blank - but in a nice way 😊)

My clients appreciate that we brainstorm a lot of these questions together along with the mindset challenges that can sometimes add the biggest roadblock). Our 'partnership' keeps them going and remaining productive towards their goals. 

This collaborative model REALLY WORKS and, it can shave months (if not years) off the time it normally takes to achieve real results.

You see, normally I charge over $7,000 to work with clients for 8 months so they can create the momentum they desire in their life and/or business.

But, I know that $7K can be a bit much for my clients who are just starting out or who have already invested so much into their businesses (it's well worth it, but maybe it's tough to come up with yet another investment right now).

So, I created a coaching program to help you move your biz and life forward and give you that push you really need for less than $20/month for a full year of coaching!

Say What?? YES!!! You heard right!

Announcing the K.I.T.A. Klub - UNLIMITED Get Results Laser Coaching!

K.I.T.A stand for Kick in the A___ ....; fill that in with whatever A you need... 


This coaching model is ideal for getting you results and keeping you in the momentum you want in your life and/or business.

For less than $20 bucks a month (less than you’re probably spending at Starbucks 😊), you can get a full year of UNLIMITED 15-Minute 'Get Results Laser Coaching' sessions with me. 

Read that last line again. You can have as many coaching sessions with me as you want/need, for a full year, for less than $20 dollars a month.

If you want to build momentum in your business and life, I don't know of a lower-cost way to get it done and have a coach to keep you accountable for a full year to make sure you get results.

Here is how it works:
  1. Click HERE to enroll in The K.I.T.A. Klub - Get Results Laser Coaching (only 11 spots are available)
  2. You'll receive an email with a link to schedule your first coaching session with me.
  3. Your first call is 30 minutes to make sure the coaching is perfect for you and so that we can come up with a custom plan to help you create the results you want.
  4. At the end of your call, and each call thereafter, you and I will agree on "homework" that will move you forward and keep you accountable.
  5. After each call, I will send you a recording of the call, confirmation of your homework, and a link to schedule your next call.
  6. Once your homework is complete, (and ONLY after your homework is complete) you can schedule your next 15-minute call.
  7. For example: You have your coaching session on a Wednesday, do your homework right after the call, and you can schedule your next call that very same day. Truly Unlimited Coaching!
And don't worry, if you get stuck on the homework or need support between calls, just email me for additional support.

Click HERE to enroll in The K.I.T.A. Klub - Get Results Laser Coaching (only 11 spots are available)

My GUARANTEE: If, during your first 30-minute call with me, either of us feels like this is not a perfect solution to help you build your perfect biz and life, I'll refund your money immediately. No Risk to you!

Enrollment closes Sunday 9/13/2020 at 12:00am CST or when remaining spots are filled. 

I can't wait to partner with you and help you "GET RESULTS" 💖
Giving you permission to have ALL the support you need to rock your life and biz 💖.

Sending you lots of love and blessings...

PS There is absolutely NO risk to get started. 

Just use the link in this email and have your first session with me to make sure this is perfect for you. 
If it's not, I'll promptly return your money. But I know that if you'll go through the coaching program and do your homework, you're going to experience powerful momentum that will result in outcomes FAR greater than those you would achieve doing this all alone!

Click HERE to enroll in The K.I.T.A. Klub - Get Results Laser Coaching (ONLY 11 spots are available).

HURRY!!!  I've made this offer so 'too good to pass up' so I know the remaining slots will fill up quickly.

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