Subject: How is happiness like a bank account?

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I'm sure you've heard the saying "happiness is a choice" right? So, why would anyone intentionally CHOOSE anything other than happiness?

The choice to be happy is based on where we place our focus and attention.

In order to remain ‘happy’, our brain has to continue to block or deflect anything that is NOT happy.

Your personal resourcefulness is like a bank account and it greatly impacts your ability to keep your focus on the positive and remain happy. If you don't replenish what you take out, you will soon be overdrawn and it's impossible to be happy when you're over drawn right?

So learn how to improve your personal resourcefulness in today's blog post HERE.

You will learn that what we feel really is in your control after all.

Here's to your happiness Friend ☺

P.S. Happiness is your birth right yet it requires the right mindset. Let me help you develop it 💖

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