Subject: Everyone has these; which one drives you?

Hi Friend!

I was on a virtual weekend conference recently and I was reminded of the 6 basic human needs that drive all human behavior. It was so EYE opening because I was able to recognize the need that has driven me for most of my life. Ugh! It saddened me and enlightened me because, while fulfilling that need had me compromise some of my values, I can now choose to live my life from a more empowering position.

According to acclaimed coach and human psychology expert Tony Robbins, success and happiness is achieved by meeting a particular need(s) from the 6 fundamental human  needs. Working with over 3 Million people, Robbins recognized we are motivated by, or can be motivated by, the need to fulfill one or more of these needs. These are not mere desires but rather strong subconscious needs that drive our every day choices and behaviors. 

Which need is unconsciously/consciously being played out in the things you DO, the decision and choices you make?

1. Certainty:                   assurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure and to know what's coming down the road
2. Uncertainty/Variety:  the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli
3. Significance:              feeling unique, important, special or needed
4. Connection/Love:      a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something
5. Growth:                     an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding
6. Contribution:             a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others

Take some time to determine which need is the one that most drives your behavior and decisions. Is that serving you? Is there a more empowering need you can shift to?

I know that at this strange time of our life, connection/love is the one need that is becoming difficult to meet and is leaving many feeling lonely and disconnected. A recent study showed that 1 out of 3 people said they were feeling lonely and isolated 😥.

As I set out to create something special for my community, through medication and contemplation I was led to find a way to meet all 6 basic needs in service of others and I believe I have found a way. 

Stay tuned as I share my passion project with you... it may just be the exact thing you have needed 🥰
Giving you permission to have ALL your needs met 💖.

Sending you lots of love and blessings...

PS Check your email tomorrow as I share with you my Passion Project. If you need me or want to chat with me, the link is below. Don't hesitate to you it.

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