Subject: Don't believe themFriend!

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In this day and age of 'transparency,' it's easy to buy into all that we see 'out there.'

The things we see and hear can fool even the savviest of us, but I'm here to tell you, don't believe what you see and read.

Time and time again, I have found myself observing someone who 'appeared' to have it all and be on top of the world, only to find out later that reality rarely matched what is being 'portrayed.'

I tell you this because it's so easy to compare ourselves to others, and when we do, we are pulled in by all the hype and will find ourselves coming up short. We doubt ourselves and feel 'less-than' by comparison.

I'm here to remind you that everyone is perfectly 'flawed," and no one has a perfect life. Everyone hurts; everyone wonders and doubts themselves at times. Even 7 and 8 figure earners have doubts and insecurities just like me and like you, and you need to remind yourself of that.

So the next time you are looking at a photoshopped image of someone prettier than you and you start to feel insecure, or you read about someone whose life seems to be unimaginably perfect, and you become sad about the state of your life, I want you to STOP!

Say to yourself, "STOP!!!"

Then look at yourself in the mirror and see the magic that is right there - the magic GOD created in you. See that you are perfectly imperfect, just like those photoshopped images are before the 'improvements.' See how much there is about your life that IS wonderful and good and to be thankful for. When you LOOK for what is RIGHT and GOOD, you will find it.

So today, CELEBRATE you.... beautiful, wonderful, and blessed you.

Let all that IS perfect be your focus for today.

I'd love to help you create that focus for yourself for the rest of your life. Want to see how that's possible? Grab a spot on my calendar here - CLICK HERE to chat with me

Ciao for now.

P.S. At the end of your lifeLife you will look back and ponder if you were everything God intended you to be. How you answer that is really a choice.

How will You choose?


Life is short and moving on quickly - come join me and learn to make it the best it can be.

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