Subject: Does it feel aligned?

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Alignment is everything in life.

We have to listen to our hearts for guidance and sometimes, even in the face of fear.

I have stepped into things that my heart was telling me to go for even when my head was screaming to talk me out of it.

At times, the heart and head do NOT agree but in those times, your heart is always right.

Everything we want is on the OTHER SIDE of fear 😨.

So if your heart is whispering to you that...

  • this is the time for you to do some inner work

  • to learn better ways to be the highest expression of yourself

  • for you to heal some of the fears and beliefs that you know are holding you back

  • for you to step into being the best role model possible

  • and finally, create the certainty and peace of mind you have been craving.

Then I invite you to join me on a 12-week journey with me where I deliver on all of that and much more.

The Awesome You 12-week Personal Development program 

  • ⏰ starts on 10/19 @6:30 pm CST.

  • 💰 is currently at an intro price that will go up by $500+

  • 📚 encompasses 35 years of my personal development work collapsed into 12 weekly modules

  • 🧭 is a journey into your mind, heart, beliefs and possibilities

  • 💿 everything is recorded in case you can't make it live

It is:

  • 📝 filled with fun exercises

  • 💝 deeply loving

  • 🙏 very spiritual (not religious)

  • 🎈  lots of fun

👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼 it will bring you unexpected friendships/connections and powerful results.

💯 comes with a money back guarantee

🎉 has an Awesome closing ceremony including 🎁 sent directly to your 🏡

You can learn more by visiting

I’d love for you to join me if it feels ALIGNED for you.

And if you have more questions that need to be answered   CLICK HERE to chat with me

Ciao for now.

P.S. How much longer do you want to settle for NOT having the life you deserve?

When would NOW be the right time to learn a better way of 'being' and living so the rest of your life is MORE of what you want and less of what you've been tolerating.

And with my 100% money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose except maybe some fear, frustration, and unfulfillment.

Life is short and moving on quickly - come join me and learn to make it the best it can be.

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