Hi sweet Friend,
I've been struggling with something lately and I think you can help.
As a coach, the most difficult thing for me to do is KNOW what is most needed and wanted from those I want to serve.
Just wanting to serve, to have a life of purpose where I bring love, contribution and abundance to others is NOT enough; it needs to be aligned with what people really want.
Having been on the road to personal development for 35+ years, I've acquired a lot of knowledge that made me the transformed person I am - but how do I know what YOU need? How do I sift through all this knowledge and pull out what matters most to you?
Would you be a sweetheart and take this quick survey and provide me with some invaluable input?
I promise it's a quick one (just a minute or two) and your input would really help me to focus my efforts.
I'm in the process of CREATION this year as I come back into the field of coaching after being gone for 2 years.
I want a new voice, a new message, to make a different in an even deeper way and to create a variety of services for different needs and budgets.
I can't do that without you telling me what matters MOST to you, after all, I am here to serve YOU.
Will you take this survey for me?
Thank you so much for taking the time to share with me what matters most to you; that input will help guide me forward to create products and services that are meeting your needs.
Love and blessings Friend ♥!