Subject: Friend,is there someone hateful in your life?


In my 35 years of personal development work, I've met thousands of individuals who had personal struggles with someone in their life.

Ugh! It can be difficult managing all the different personalities we come into contact with especially the hurtful and hateful ones... UNLESS you have a different, more elevated way of doing so.

Having experienced as much trauma as I have, developing a way to BE with HATEFUL and HURTFUL human beings was crucial to my survival and NOT an option.

I took it upon myself to learn all about human behavior and to understand what makes us tick and what turns some into difficult people and others into true monsters. 

This topic is so clear, so natural to me now, there is NO one I cannot ultimately understand or accept.

I recently helped a client who was in a painful situation she had been struggling with for years.. This is what she had to say about that coaching session we had together...
When we experience our buttons being pushed by another human being in a way that starts to dominate our thoughts and our lives, it's a sign that you have inner work to do.

Let's face it - LIFE is about relationships with EVERYTHING. When you can BE with anyone without having to change them, THIS is true PEACE. This is what I want for everyone but few are willing to do the work to get there.

If you are ready to have a peaceful life and no longer be at the affect of others, I invite you schedule a chat with me to see if I can support you in learning how to do so. Click HERE to grab a spot on my calendar.

Life is a fleeting experience that should not be consumed by what others do, say or think. The behavior of another does not have to be the END of peace for you because I can teach you to increase your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and finally be in control of your own emotions and joy - regardless of what dramas are taking place around you.

I want PEACE for you - let me help you create it.

Much love ❤

Transformational Coach
InVision Coaching by Elena Zanfei

Live your BEST life possible!!!

PS - Each day you spend in upset about another human being, is a day you will never get back. You can always make more money, but you cannot make more days or create peace without the knowledge and skills to do so.
I'm here to serve 💖. If you want to chat with me about how I might help, go HERE to grab a spot on my calendar - it's FREE to do so ☎ And don't worry about me pressuring you into anything - that is NOT my style or character. The call is always free.

A heart-centered Transformational Coach for Spiritual Women who, at times, feel like throwing in the towel on their dreams, in spite of their success and qualifications.

35 years of education in human potential, personal trials and ultimate triumph over traumas & tragedies, enable Elena to teach how to develop confidence that can be sustained over the toughest challenges. Her experiences, training and commitment, have made her strong and resilient allowing her to help other women do the same.

Uncovering their authentic self, clients discover a hidden level of strength. These discoveries allow them to shift how they approach life to create massive personal and professional success. They step into experiencing AWESOMENESS!

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