Subject: Friend, your decisions

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Hi Friend,

I used to be really bad at making decisions. I used to sit on the fence hoping that, by not deciding, the decisions would just make themselves. Can you relate Friend?

Of course I've come a long way since those days and now I make decisions pretty swiftly and confidently.

The truth is we all, from time to time, get caught up in a decision that we feel hesitant in making. Perhaps it's the impact of making it or perhaps we just aren't confident in our ability to do so.

Today's blog post gives you some ideas about how to make wise decisions.

A decision always comes with a consequence so learning to decide wisely is a good skill to develop.

To your life!!

Personal Effectiveness Coach

"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach."

-- Tony Robbins

How To Make Wise Decisions

Have you ever felt nervous about making a decision that could affect the rest of your life?  Sometimes even seemingly minor decisions can send you into a fit of anxiety when you begin thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

It’s fairly common for people to vacillate back and forth between several choices, whether they are related to career, money, business, opportunities, or even relationships.  How do you know which choice is the best one for you in any given situation?  Sometimes the best choice is obvious, but other times they all seem to hold a glimmer of possibility – and the threat of regret.

The good news is that making wise decisions is a matter of weighing the potential pros and cons of every available outcome...

<Read More Here>

What People Are Saying

"Elena has helped me to completely change my life. She has helped me to be real and present. To have someone on ‘my side’ as I make changes to grow both my personal integrity and strive to live my most authentic vision has been the most valuable investment I have made. Elena has helped me to organize, figure out what was holding me back and develop a game plan for moving forward. As a result, all seven areas of my life Financial, Familial, Social, Vocational, Spiritual, Physical and Mental have shifted for the better, and my God given strengths have begun to blossom. In a few months I have bought a new house, purchased a new car, I have noticed huge differences in my relationships, feel better about myself, have more time to pursue my acting/performing which is my vision for my life. My parenting has improved, and I am finding more balance and peace in my life. I am showing up in the world differently, and I am excited to get up in the morning! I see more for my life and have more time to do the things I want to do. I am excited and thankful about the new possibilities life is offering to me. Thank you Elena for all you have done and for believing in me.

—Dr. Shannon Chidlow-Williams


I there a huge decision lurking in your life? Do you feel incapable of making it and frustrated because of it. Would you benefit from some objectivity? Sometimes it truly is difficult to see the trees while standing in the thick forest. 


For the next few weeks, I'm opening up my schedule to fit in a few more complimentary "Maximize your ONE Life" Strategy Sessions (Valued at $135). If you'd like to take advantage of this, use the link below to fill out a request form. I book only a hand-full of these every month or so, so use the link below to request yours.

It may just be the best call you've ever made! :-)

