Hi Friend,
Do you ever NOTICE your thoughts?
Our thoughts create our reality because we ACT and BEHAVE according to what we believe. If we believe positively and with potential we will take inspired and positive actions. If, on the other hand, our beliefs and self-talk are negative, limiting and doubtful, we will never move forward in the direction of opportunities that come our way.
When you consider that we have over 60,000 thoughts a day, and that the majority of those thoughts are the same ones over and over, we should probably be aware of the kinds of thoughts that are going on in our heads; what we’re saying to ourselves day after day.
This short BLOG post is about the negative self-talk that could be sabotaging your life (and we don't want to sabotage ourselves do we?)
Go HERE to read it now - it's a short read that will make you think about becoming more aware about your self-talk and what's at stake if you don't.
To your best life!