Subject: Friend, do you want 20/20 Vision?

  InVisioned Life!

 Inspiration for successful living

"Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances"
~~ Wayne Dyer

Hi Friend,

It has been a while since you've heard from me.  I've been spending a lot of time lately doing much soul searching and for good reason. So, I hope you won't mind me being a little vulnerable here, and letting you in on what's been going on with me. 

You see...when I first left my corporate job back in 2003 (I can't believe it's been that long already) I left to be a coach. Back then I wanted to coach anyone with two legs and a heart; not a specific audience I know but, true to my nature, I just wanted to be of service and help others. While I've been able to help quite a few individuals in pursuit of their goals and dreams (check out my testimonial page HERE to learn about those success stories) I've been relying strictly on word-of-mouth referrals. While I'm infinitely grateful for those who believed in me and sent me their friends and connections to support and guide, I want (and need) to make a difference in a bigger way and to reach more people.

So, I took some marketing courses and in that process I learned I actually need to pick a target market; a specific group of people with a specific desire or need and reach them. My initial reaction was "What? I can't help 'everyone' that wants to create a more awesome life for themselves?" You can't imagine how difficult this decision process was for me. I toiled and labored to define 'my audience' when I knew that the system of 'coaching' can really be applied to many desired outcomes; yet I understood why I had to.

I kept asking 'why'. Every time I came up with an answer I had to ask 'why' again. And here is where I have been guided to and have finally set my focus on.

I want to be an advocate for children (so that their life will have much less struggle than mine had) and I accomplish that by working with their parents. I want to create a WIN-WIN where the adults I work with become increasingly whole, emotionally strong and grounded (as they were meant to be) and their children thrive by having the guidance, support and example of awesomeness to model their lives after. I want to empower the children ONE adult at a time.

I call this Conscious Parenting because it's more than merely knowing how to discipline or have good parenting skills. It is about evolving to your 'personal best' and developing the Emotional Strength by which to model wholeness to them. 

So, do you want to find out if you truly are Grounded and Emotionally Strong? Do you want to see if there is room for improvement? Download my FREE Assessment that I created for you and see what you discover about yourself. Go HERE and then decide... are you hindering your kids or inspiring them? It is never too late to become the person you were meant to be; aren't THEY worth it?

I will be sharing more as the months progress. I will be developing programs and products that will provide support and growth in this area so stay tuned.

And please, if you have ideas, suggestions, recommendations or specific needs you have or see in others, PLEASE share those with me. I created this simple form you can complete for me and give me some direction. And don't worry... you may submit it anonymously if you don't want me to know your identity. This way you can be completely honest :-) PLEASE Go HERE to complete that form now; it will mean a lot to me if you do!

I need your input, guidance and support  in order to successfully serve this cause. Let's work together to 'Empower the Children, ONE adult at a time'!


PS Help me spread the word... forward this newsletter to your friends and family!

Today's article

Develop 20/20 Vision: through the eyes of compassion

How many times have you made an assumption about someone based on what you saw or heard? Someone did something or said something and immediately you reacted and drew a conclusion. We tend to look at things and come to a conclusion very quickly; often times if we had just a little more information our assumptions may be entirely different.

Here is an example that I share with many of my coaching clients; this is a true story that happened to me years ago…

Read the rest on my Blog

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