Subject: Friend, are you tired of knee jerk reactions?


Have you ever encountered a situation that always triggers a knee jerk reaction in you?

Something happens, someone says something or does something and yup, here comes that old familiar response. You feel and act predictably every time.

One component of high EQ (Emotional Quotient) is the ability to choose our responses to situations rather than to react.

EQ is the capacity to recognize and use emotional information and many experts believe it to be more important than IQ and certainly a better predictor of success, quality of relationships, and overall happiness.

An untrained mind will lead to predictable reactions since they've been hard-wired in your brain. You then live your life at the expense of your emotions and become a slave to your brain's neuro-pathways and its programmed responses.

But as humans, we are capable of rewiring our brain matrix and training it for the desired responses we choose to have; we then become the master of our mind and not the other way around.

Anyone can fly off the same, low-level reactions, but a trained mind chooses a response that is the highest response possible for all involved.

Being in control of your responses therefore creates inner PEACE; is a component of HIGH EQ and what I can teach you (because I've taught it to myself).

What will you CHOOSE?

To your peaceful way Friend ❤

Transformational Coach
InVision Coaching by Elena Zanfei

Live your BEST life possible!!!

PS - Want to see how you fare with regards to EQ? Just a tad curious about what determines High EQ?
I created an assessment and you can get it by clicking HERE.
No worries, nothing to opt in for, nothing else to do other than click on the link and it will open up so you can take it.

I would love for you answer these two questions once you've taken it:
1) what surprised you in this assessment?
2) how would your life be different if your EQ was higher?
Just hit reply and let me know 😊

And as always, I'm here to serve 💖. If you want to chat with me about how I might help, go HERE to grab a spot on my calendar - it's FREE to do so ☎ And don't worry about me pressuring you into anything - that is NOT my style or character. The call is always free.

A heart-centered Transformational Coach for Spiritual Women who, at times, feel like throwing in the towel on their dreams, in spite of their success and qualifications.

35 years of education in human potential, personal trials and ultimate triumph over traumas & tragedies, enable Elena to teach how to develop confidence that can be sustained over the toughest challenges. Her experiences, training and commitment, have made her strong and resilient allowing her to help other women do the same.

Uncovering their authentic self, clients discover a hidden level of strength. These discoveries allow them to shift how they approach life to create massive personal and professional success. They step into experiencing AWESOMENESS!

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