Subject: Be grateful Friend, before it's too late!

  InVisioned Life!

 Inspiration for successful living

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
~~ John F. Kennedy

Friend, doesn't it seems to be human nature to not truly appreciate something until it’s gone? Two tragic events that recently took place close to home have really gotten my attention and my sense of appreciation has been greatly increased as a result. It seems that in someone else’s loss, I am reminded of my own blessings.

Many of us go through life giving little thought to the blessings that surround us each day until one day, the unthinkable happens and what we love is taken from us. We take for granted the things, situations and people that we would be lost without. Even Joni Mitchel was spot on in her song ‘Big Yellow taxi,  ( when she sang  don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”.

A 46 car pileup on Interstate 94 (  took the life of a man and his dog who were making their way to the weekend home they had enjoyed on so many other weekends as well as that of a Michigan man and wife who were returning home from having cared for family. Numerous others were injured; some experienced the loss of their health and for those sustaining life altering injuries, possibly the loss of quality of life.

And then friends of a friend's had their lives instantly shaken when the roof of their home caught on fire and quickly engulfed their beautiful home. . In minutes, everything they had worked for and cherished was up in smoke. Although they along with their dog managed to get out safely, their beloved cat did not. All their belongings and lifetime of memories were gone in an instant. 

I can’t imagine the heart wrenching sadness that has overtaken these individuals and their families; my heart and prayers go out to all of them.

I’m not trying to depress you (that is not my intention) I merely want to get your attention like these recent events did for me. I want you to be reminded, as I was, to take notice of what you have while you still have it. Most of us live as if life will carry on as ‘is’ and that everything we have is for keeps. That couldn’t be further from the truth! EVERYTHING we have in on loan and we never know when that loan is going to 'due'. Best you notice,  appreciate and acknowledge your blessings while you have them.

Appreciation happens when we consciously focus on the gifts that make up our life. When we are able to see and feel the significance of all that we have been given, be it a home, our health, a relationship; it is then that we experience gratefulness. Gratitude is an attitude and just like all other attitudes they are ‘developed’. It requires conscious intention to become a grateful person.  It is born out of our own awareness and desire to give thanks for what is ‘present’ OR it is thrust onto us when we experience ‘loss’. So, how do we practice more Gratefulness in our lives? How can we remember to give thanks for what is 'here', before it's gone? Here are 6 simple suggestions:

1. Keep a Gratitude Journal. Establish a daily practice of writing down the things you are grateful for. What people, situations, experiences and gifts are you most appreciative of? Setting aside the time, on a daily basis, to reflect on the very things you often take for granted, will fill you up with awareness of how abundant and blessed you truly are. Gratefulness grows as you begin to practice it often.

2.  Remember the ‘Bad’ times. Your life is always experienced in contrasts. You know 'light' because you know 'darkness.'  You appreciate 'peace' because you also experience 'noise'. When you remember the 'bad' times, the 'hard' times or the point in your life when you were 'without' the very things you have now, your gratefulness grows. So, from time to time, let the memories of the 'bad' you have experience highlight the present blessings.

3. Use your Senses.  When you think about your ability to hear, see, touch, smell and taste, it's almost impossible to not have an attitude of gratitude. Imagine being without that very sense. Not being able to hear, or not have hands to touch with or eyes to see. Our senses are truly miraculous. If we look at our senses then through our lens of gratitude it’s almost impossible to not  experience them as the ‘gifts’ they truly are.

4. Use Visual Reminders. Because the two primary obstacles to gratefulness are forgetfulness and a lack of mindful awareness, visual reminders can serve as cues to trigger thoughts of gratitude. What can you use as a reminder to focus on your own abundance and what you have to be grateful for? A Pet? A person? An object?

5. Commit to it. It’s a proven fact that when you make a commitment to something, you are more likely to actually do it. When we make a commitment to someone other than ourselves, we are even more likely to keep our word. Use this knowledge then to write out a commitment statement to yourself and share it with someone that will help you honor it. Write a simple gratitude ‘vow’; It can be as plain as “I vow to count my blessings and give thanks for them every day”. Now post this somewhere prominent as a reminder of your intention and enlist someone to support you in developing this new and wonderful attitude of gratitude.

6. Act grateful. Gratefulness has a behavior, a demeanor that goes along with it. When we are grateful for something we treat it with respect and admiration. We tend to be more expressive and caring of it. It is not enough to say we are grateful without then ‘acting’ as such. When we are grateful for our homes, we care for them and tend to them diligently. When we are grateful for our jobs it is reflected through our commitment and devotion. When we are grateful for people it is reflected in how we express our appreciation to them.

I encourage you to begin today with a heart of gratefulness. Look around at all you have for it is truly a gift. It will not be there indefinitely. You must love it, appreciate it and give thanks for one day you will awaken to the absence of it. Let us cherish all we have.

Blessings to you!



This is by far the best video I'm see on  Gratitude; it's a MUST see! Click on the image below to watch..

"Abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend... when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present -- love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure -- the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on earth".

Sarah Ban Breathnach

"Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life".

Northrup Christiane

"For today and its blessings, I owe the world an attitude of gratitude".

Clarence E. Hodges

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