Subject: Are you a Robot?

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Does it sometimes feel like you are a robot, repeating the same behaviors and getting the same results over and over and over?

Only 5% of the life is you live is actually created from your conscious mind - 95% of it comes from the programming you took into your subconscious mind in the 1st 7 years of your life.

For ages 0 to 7, your program was being created. Your mind was in a Theda brain state (the imagination and hypnosis state) and everything you were experiencing was creating your base programming. You were learning everything from how families operate, to what's acceptable behavior, to your own worth, regardless of the accuracy of what you were experiencing.

Yikes! Now I know why I was so messed up 😥

So, just like a robot, you have been running true to your programming. You live from the same set of conditions that run over and over and that's why you keep creating the same results in your life even when you really want a CHANGE.

Change can only take place when you reprogram your subconscious mind and that is done either through hypnosis or by repetition of the new, desired behavior or thought over and over and over.

So, if you are NOT actively working on:

  1. identifying what you really want from yourself and life

  2. determining the thoughts, beliefs, and actions that will yield that

  3. conditioning those through daily repetition

then I'm afraid your life will be pretty predictably the way it's always been.

As a coach, I help my clients go through all 3 steps and get them to a life of choice rather than the life of default they are currently living.

Want to know more about how I do that or are you happy with your predictable life?

Either way, we do have a choice in the matter.

To living a life of your design Friend!💖



P.S. I've been conditioning a new sub-conscious for many years, and my life is 100% different than it would have been having continued to run the same early programs. I know it's doable.

More of the same or a new, designed life? What will you choose Friend?

The 'Best You' is the key to you having your 'Best Life.'

Want to learn more?

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