Subject: Again for the first time


My grandnieces loved the movie frozen, so much so that they watched it over, and over and over. They watch it every time 'again for the first time' 😃. Same level of anticipation, excitement and enjoyment.

What do you do over and over?
What do you invest your time in?

I'm like my grandnieces when it comes to personal development. I approach any new book, workshop, seminar, anything 'growth related', as if I was learning it for the first time even after having invested into it hundreds of thousands of dollars and 35 years. 

This weekend, I'll be attending Tony Robbin's 'Unlimited Power Weekend' virtually, and I'm so excited. 4 days of being immersed in the information that completely changed my life when I attended this event over 25 years ago, as a very different person. This will be a whole new experience. 

Even though my handicap was greater than most because of 28 years of devastatingly abusive patters, I remain a student because it's necessary. Life, being what it is, continues to carry with it its challenges and triggers that require my mind to remain sharp and my resourcefulness to be strong.  So I keep watching my frozen 😉.

I think of it like a gym membership, first you join to take off the weight and undue the results of long-standing patterns but then, you continue to go to keep your body strong and your health active.

If we aren't growing, we are contracting - I choose expansion and growth - always.

The Tony Robbin's motto I learned 34 years ago. 'CANI', Constant And Never-ending Improvement has become MY motto and a way of life for me.  

What about you? What do you do to remain strong, resilient, sharp?
What could be better for you?
What could be stronger in you?

Life is a one way ticket - we may as well take the ride with all the resourcefulness possible and make the ride that much sweeter.

I'll be thinking of you over the next 4 days and planning on bringing even more to you in the future.

Are you ready to work with me to create the TIME of YOUR LIFE?     

If not me, who?
If not now, when?

Giving you permission to finally live the life of your choice💖

Sending you lots of love and blessings....

PS Tonight will be Another DAY checked off your life calendar. Was is what you wanted?

I help you learn the skills that lead you to KNOW that you are worth MORE than just a mediocre life. The work you do with me leads to an AWESOME life!

It DOES'NT get better tomorrow... it doesn't get easier tomorrow.... it just gets LATER.

Want to chat about what tomorrow could look like for you with the right support?💖.

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