Subject: A solution for your Blind Spots☽☼ Friend

Friend, did you know that your life can never be greater than your blind spots?

It's true. We can change what we know needs to change, but what about what we aren't aware of? What do we do with that? How do we discover what that is and more importantly, how it's impacting our life? 

You're dedicated to doing what needs to be done so that you have the life, the business, the everything - on your terms. And while you can self-evaluate and bridge the gap by acquiring new knowledge, some things you just can't do on your own.

You don't know what you don't know, and therefore, will never be able to get around that ON OUR OWN. Read that again.

Only through the observations of others can you identify beliefs, patterns or attitudes that are keeping you locked in a particular experience and outcome that you don't want.The greatest gift of working in community, besides learning things you don't already know, is that it helps you see what you can't see on your own.

That's why working with a coach, on in a group, or with a partner, is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Not only are you able to challenge your perceptions and attitudes through the eyes of others and learn empowering new methods but you can also be strengthened by feedback about what you do well.

God had it right when he created us to need one another. We don't do well on our own - at least not for prolonged periods of time.

Your interdependence to others is really healthy. You have to make sure not to ride solo for too long or risk losing the perspective and value that others bring to your life.

On your own, you will believe when we should be questioning, fixate on your biased perspective because there isn't another to challenge it, lose site of everything else that falls outside your current focus, and ultimately live into your limitations.

Successful people know that they flourish in community. They seek out groups to be part of especially those that will help them expand and further their interests in life.

And it's for this reason that I'm starting a pilot program for entrepreneurial women who want to take themselves, their lives and their businesses to the next level. I immediately thought of you since you're part of my community and are committed to creating a life on your terms and without regrets.

I know you don't want to continue living blindly into what's holding you back the most. 

If you want the details, just reply to this email and I'll tell you all about this amazing structure I'm creating so that you can HAVE IT ALL.

I'm excited because, since it's a pilot, you get to help me create it exactly how you'd like it because you know, success doesn't happen when we ride solo.

Don't waste another day, month, year, trying to figure you out on your own - it doesn't work! Get the support, community, direction, guidance, love and championing we ALL NEED TO SUCCEED!

Let me share the detail wit you - just reply back to this email with 'tell me more'.

Transformational Coach
InVision Coaching by Elena Zanfei

Live your BEST life possible!!!
PS - It's a new decade - your community is ready to inspire you forward♥ 

A heart-centered Transformational Coach for Spiritual Women who, at times, feel like throwing in the towel on their dreams, in spite of their success and qualifications.

35 years of education in human potential, personal trials and ultimate triumph over traumas & tragedies, enable Elena to teach how to develop confidence that can be sustained over the toughest challenges. Her experiences, training and commitment, have made her strong and resilient allowing her to help other women do the same.

Uncovering their authentic self, clients discover a hidden level of strength. These discoveries allow them to shift how they approach life to create massive personal and professional success. They step into experiencing AWESOMENESS!

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