Subject: A once in a lifetime opportunity

Friend, can I share something a little personal with you?

(I apologize in advance for the lengthier email but I could not make this any shorter and still get everything across so, bear with me just this once 😉)

I had a traumatic life growing up - I learned to escape it by spending hours loving my dolls and making spaces beautiful. Even now, I pour my attention and love into everything I do, maybe to ‘make up’ for what I missed out on.

The road to healing was long and hard for me; 37 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars hard. As I learned to see my own unmet potential, I began seeing it in other women and spaces and it made me want to contribute even more. I developed X-ray vision into seeing what's possible for a woman or her home and that's why I left my corporate career to become an empowerment coach and an interior designer, nurturing hidden potentials💕 .

For 20 years now I’ve been helping professional & entrepreneurial women find and unleash their hidden INNER hero and create the life and/or home they envisioned for themselves.

Unleashing potential literally makes my heart sing. It’s like poring love into a child or a garden and then seeing it become the best it can be. There is no greater purpose for my life. 
And I know that nurturing takes time and needs to be done on an ongoing basis, month after month. 

I know that the $900 a month investment for one-on-one coaching is out of reach for many, but I also realize that personal mentoring and support is needed now more than ever before, so I came up with a solution.

I had a vision of a virtual sisterhood of women whom I would love, support, nurture, teach, challenge, champion and pour all my love into and help them to recognize their own awesomeness! So, I’m DOING IT! 

I’m creating a continuity program that nurtures the hidden INNER hero in women month after month. Week after week I will teach what’s taken me 37 years & thousands to learn all for the cost of Starbuck Coffee and about 2% of the typical investment. Yes you heard that right, 2% !!!  The official launch will be sometime in January whereas the Founding member Launch is NOW. I cannot wait to get started!

Because I want to learn how to make this an incredible, life-changing experience for my members, I've made another, significant investment into a program that helps me do that (that's how strong my commitment is to women unleashing their inner heroes so they finally claim the joy and success that is meant for them). 

I know without a doubt that this program will help me serve them even better. 

If you’ve wanted support in the past and also want to contribute to other women just like you, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to do just that. I would LOVE you to join me on this journey and become a founding member where you get to help guide the creation of this project and create a true WIN-WIN for you, me and other women.

I can only offer this founding member option ONE time and there are ONLY 20 spots for a one-time investment of just $217 for the ENTIRE year. I won’t offer this lifetime option again. You get to be a member for a year or for the life of the membership without ever paying a monthly fee like everyone else will be doing when the official program opens next year.

Once you join me, I will take you through the curriculum. You will learn, grow and expand, yet the greatest benefit will be to help me co-create this one-of-a-kind program that will help transform the lives of so many women, you included. You’ll be a significant part in helping make this happen by sharing your personal experience with me that will become the bedrock on which I will create an amazing, official program. Remember, this is not a completed program yet and will not be fully available to the public until January 15th, 2021 (or later).

And to sweeten the pot, if you join me as a founding member in the next 72 hours, you will also get 2 FREE 50 min. coaching calls valued at $500 so we can create a personalized plan for your life. You will also get access to my Law of Attraction home study program called ‘The Law Of Attraction Café’ valued at $89. That’s a total of $589 just in bonuses, almost 3X the amount of your investment, not including the dividends that being part of this sisterhood will pay you.

I would be so honored by your contribution to this vision. I would welcome your help to create something that is going to transform thousands of lives through my love and nurturing. I’d love for you to be part of the creation of something special and powerful in support of ALL the women who need this very thing, NOW. 

This opportunity closes on Friday, November 13th at 10:00 pm. If you already know you want to be part of this AMAZING once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, then just got here  for more details and to join me otherwise, reply to this email and we'll find a time to chat about it and to get all your questions answered. We will then move forward with a schedule and further details. 

I can’t wait to collaborate with you and get your support! I can't wait to have you as a founding member on this journey with me! 

Giving you permission to learn, grow, contribute and soar 💖

Sending you lots of love and blessings....

PS If you're the type of person that is open to personal development, if you enjoy learning new paradigms, deepening your spirituality, gaining new tools and strategies, and especially if you want to be part of an amazing sisterhood where you can contribute to others and be contributed to, then JOIN ME and become a part of this amazing awesomeness tribe!!!

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OakLeaf Enterprises, 1910 Melbrook Ct, Munster, IN 46321, United States
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