Subject: 10 skills of an effective Leader

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Hi Friend,

Have you ever worked for a really great boss? Someone who served as such a great example to follow? Someone that inspired and motivated just by the kind of person they were? I have and believe me, that kind of person will also motivate you to be the very best you can be.

To some extent, we are all leaders in certain areas of our lives. Whether we have a staff in our corporate role, or a team in our own business or the family we help to guide, having good leadership skills is a prerequisite to success in life.

Today's blog post will give you 10 tips on how to improve your ability to Lead and therefore create the results you truly desire in your life!

To your success,

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”  ― John C. Maxwell

10 ways to be a great Leader and garner respect

Corporations successfully hitting their goals, entrepreneurs running a thriving business and heads of loving and thriving families have all learned one thing; a good leader always leads by example. When a leader’s actions are aligned with what they say, they become the type of person that others want to follow, partner with, do business with, and listen to. On the contrary, when leaders say one thing yet do another, they erode trust, a critical component of personal and professional success.

A strong company, a successful business a cooperative and loving family all need a great leader at the helm to steer the team needed to make it happen.

There are many ways in which we can increase our ability to lead and the effectiveness or our leadership; here are 10 such ways.

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What People Are Saying

"Elena has provided me with one of most effective and profound coaching experiences of my life. I have worked with other coaches who never provided the personalized attention she gave to me and my situation. I was “stuck” and I felt my life was on hold. I had lost hope and felt I was going nowhere. Elena opened the door to my heart and my soul and gave me hope. Moreover, allowing me to regain control of my efforts and thereby re-establish purpose and direction. As a coach, Elena was able to empathize with me on a personal level and enable me to deal with many of the heartaches and roadblocks I faced. I would recommend her to anyone seeking to find themselves and move forward again."

— Dr. Mercedes Rundle

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