Subject: ✿ Weekly Nourishment: Learning to Live a Positive Life ✿

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Hi Friend,

Welcome back from what I hope was a wonderful Holiday weekend!

This next month is likely to be a stressful one for many of you as the Holiday Season is underway and demands on your time increase. As more and more activities get piled onto your already busy schedules, you become increasingly stressed and stress depletes your personal resourcefulness.

One thing that gets triggered when you are less resourceful is your negative self-talk. Have you noticed that when there is a lot going one, your mind starts to race and your inner chatter becomes louder? And the more your negative self-talk takes over, the more your problems seems to expand.

In today's blog post I will share with you some great ways to not only help you become aware of your limiting self-talk but also show you what you can do about it.

Life will never cease to provide opportunities for improvement (that's a nice way to say there will always be  challenges to work through :-)) but rest assured that our modern world is full of new information that will help you advance and I will continue to share all I know to help you to that end.

As you implement a few changes, little by little, you begin to develop new strengths and strategies that will greatly enhance your personal and professional life.

To your positive life!!♥

P.S.   Make sure to click through to read todays blog post because I included a very helpful and downloadable free GIFT for you inside ♥ . I know you will want to print it off and use it to shift in your inner dialogue ♥.

Relentless, repetitive self talk is what changes our self-image." ~~ Denis Waitley

Today's Blog Post:

The Propaganda of Positive Self-Talk: Learning to Live a Positive Life
Living a life that is positive and healthy in all ways is a goal that takes work and dedication to accomplish. Many of us have a difficult time living this life because we do not know about the tools that are available to help us pave the way to a positive and healthy lifestyle. Positive self-talk is one of those tools.

There is seemingly endless products and foods available that can help you live a healthier lifestyle, but there is often little focus on mental health, and most specifically, positive self-talk.

Positive self-talk is a simple technique that doesn’t cost any money or take much time. You can begin to immediately implement this strategy as soon as you are ready ... (Continue Reading here...)

Client Testimonials

"Thank you for all your coaching Elena. I enjoyed working with you and have learned A LOT.
It is wonderful and amazing to feel life full of joy by learning that Truth in life is what we make it to be. My fear and ego were taking away my joy, so I am grateful to you for helping me to overcome that through your coaching . I highly recommend your expertise to anyone who may need this support. Namaste."  ~ Dr. Kalpana D.


Your inner chatter can destroy your joy and keep you a prisoner in your mind. You cannot live fully, authentically and spontaneously while limiting self-talk is taking place in your head. But it doesn't have to be that way. I have conquered and freed myself from the most relentless and dominating limiting mind on the planet; I can help you do the same. Imagine how your life would change if all the self-sabotage was gone... forever and you were free to be your true, powerful self. Can you see how magical that would be? It's not just a fantasy... many people have tamed their inner saboteur... you can too.
Let me help you.
Life is too short .. Let me help you empower yourself and eliminate your negative self-talk so you can start living life on YOUR terms.
Your life can be truly great when YOU are in control of it. I want that for you!♥

