Subject: ✏ Trick or TIP: 4 Strategies for Remembering Names

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Happy Halloween!!


I wanted to wish you a fun Halloween day today and, since I know that sweet treats will NOT be in short supply, I wanted to give you a different kind of treat, one that won't go to your waist :-)

So here is your treat.... errrr rather... TIP!!

Have you ever noticed how nice it feels when someone, that you've just met, calls you by name? Somehow they manage to remember it, even though I'm having a hard time remembering where I put my keys let alone the name of someone I just met (thee!hee!)

Remembering and using someones name when you address them is a very impressive skill, one that will help you increase your rapport with others.  People just respond differently, more at ease, when you call them by name (great sales people have got THIS figured out :-).

I'm always impressed when someone manages to remember mine especially because the pronunciation of it is NOT typical (I still use my Italian...well sort of Italian pronunciation).

So, I wanted to share some simple strategies to help you do just that.... remember people's names.

How impressive will it be the next time you're at a function and meet someone new and are able to address them by name the rest of the evening?

Click on the document name below to open it and start learning how to remember names!

I hope you enjoy these tips and I hope you have a Sweet Halloween day!!

Much love ♥,

