Subject: ☂ Top Regret of the Dying...

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In the book ‘The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying’ by Bronnie Ware (a hospice nurse who often spoke with individuals on their last days of life) she tells us that the #1 regret expressed by those who knew they were dying was that they wished they would have had the courage to live the life they were supposed to live, were destined to live. In other words, they knew deep down that they had a purpose for their lives; that they had come here to do something greater than just merely existing, working and making money. They regretted not having allowed themselves to listen to and act on those internal callings about what was truly important and mattered mostly in life – and now it was TOO LATE.


I know I was at one time… but then I listened to that nudging that was always there, speaking to me, suggesting that there was MORE to my life and why I was here. I began to still my mind and to really listen to the messages coming to me; the more willing I was to listen, the louder and clearer the path became. My life completely changed when I heeded that inner calling and made the shift from working a corporate job to living my soul’s purpose. It’s the difference between going through life with a gnawing feeling that there's something more, to waking up every day with an inner peace knowing I am doing what I was MEANT to be doing and will be guided along the way.

How often do you allow yourself the silence to listen to that inner voice, to connect to your source? It is in that stillness, that prayer, contemplation or meditation, that God (or the Universe) can speak directly to you and guide you to your true path.

Most of us live hurried lives, rushing from one TO-DO to another, always in action and rarely being still. Many are afraid to have that quiet space and be with their own thoughts so they keep busy, always doing, always going and then wonder why life feels hectic, stressed, unfulfilled and lackluster.

Here’s the truth… when you finally slow down to listen to that inner voice, that guidance system, that whispering God that so wants to guide you to the right path, that is when you will become clear on why you came here after all and a sense of peace will cover you. Don’t be afraid to listen to that nudge… it is there as your guide, to show you the way to your intended life and to keep you from having your own Regrets of the Dying.

Life is indeed short and I hope you will make it what it is meant to be for you regardless of struggles; the alternative will be ever harder to bear. You are uniquely created and fully equipped to realize those hidden callings, those secret dreams, or you would not have been given them in the first place.

If you are fearful to listen to, or struggling to hear, your inner voice, I can help you. I can show you what I did to still my mind and find my heart in the process; and so we can find yours.

Let’s start with a chat… I’ve opened up 4, ‘Life Path’ Strategy Sessions ($150 value) for this coming week and I would love to help you clarify yours. Claim yours HERE now before they get booked up (because I know they will quickly).

Here’s to your CLEAR path and creating a life of NO Regrets!

much love

P.S. In life we have 2 choices… buy into our Ego’s fear and live a safe life with guaranteed Regrets in the end, OR turn to your heart and Universal guidance that is there to point your way so that when you’re life comes to an end you may hear those words… ‘Well done!” Free Will allows you to choose! I’m here to support you in choosing the latter; --> click HERE so we can chat about it.



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