Subject: ☁ Stop losing sleep over this...

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Hi Friend,

I've often heard it said that "The way we do ANYthing is the way we do EVERYthing’. Like the way we approach one thing in our life is the way we approach most things.

Like for example…
You always start strong but never finish anything.
You start the latest diet but fall off a few days later.
You start a book with the grand intention to read daily but a month later it's still unread on your nightstand.
You try and journal but it never happens.
You plan to commit to a consistent fitness plan but a week or two in you find "you got too busy".
You promise that you’re going to connect with friends and family more but after one or two times you stop.
Your laundry sits unfolded. Paperwork is stacked and not filed. To-do lists made, but not completed. Weight goals set, but never hit.
Plans to start making your lifelong dream a reality get diverted, one my time, by your running inner dialogue of “I will start next week”.

I remember when this was me…

I was a very strong starter yet never seemed to finish anything. I had a terrible habit of 'quitting', especially when things got hard!

I would start the diet plan, a stress management plan, a book, a success habit or even commit to begin saying “no” more often in order to put myself first instead of last but… eventually, I would revert back to the same old familiar patterns and never follow through.

This was one of THE MAIN BLOCKS that was keeping me from the life I really wanted! Not being able to follow through, to finish, or to stick to my commitments when things got hard!
How I did anything is how I was doing everything; I was giving up, all the time!

This lack of follow-through in my life started to show up in body breakdown, an unbalanced life, low energy and drive, money problems, and always feeling guilty. I felt scattered, unfocused, frustrated and unhealthy and I began to accept that maybe this was just the card I was dealt.

But that was so untrue!

I wasn't this lazy, procrastinating, unhealthy person that gave up! I was incredibly hard working! I had a life of accomplishments, certifications and success to prove differently!

I realized that I had just developed toxic thinking habits and became aware of how much I was getting in my own way by sabotaging everything good that came my way. I was tired of always feeling disappointed and wishing that someday things would be different. I got it that I had to dig deep and I recognized that I was blocked and that my way was clearly not working…. And time was passing me by.

So, I finally committed to stop struggling, to surrender and stop sabotaging and to finish everything I started, no matter what.

I started by detoxing and decluttering my life. The first thing I did was eliminate all forms of soda from my life and I started to feel better in weeks. I wrote correspondences that had been in my head for years as “I really should…” thoughts; I just sat down and GOT them done. I continued to further eliminate toxins from my diet, my personal care products, the clutter in my home, my toxic relationships and anything in my life that was no longer serving me. I really started to clean things up!

I did it all by focusing on one thing at a time until it became a new habit and a working part of my mind. You see, the more junk you get rid of physically the more junk you get rid of emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Make sense?

I don't need to tell you how these small changes impacted my life, my self-esteem, my productivity, my health and my happiness; they made a HUGE difference!!

The point is, I recognized that change was needed. I wasn't proud of myself and I wanted to live a different life; I wanted to shift my life from constant struggle to one of flow and joy. I set the intention and committed to it and all the support and resources I needed to make each thing happen began to show up; I just had to be ready to receive it all.

It just takes the willingness to want a different life… That’s all you need at the beginning; the rest of the path will start to reveal itself.

All the answers are within you…
Are you ready for change?
Are you ready to become a strong finisher?
Are you ready to stop sabotaging and get the relationships, career, money and life that you know you deserve?
Are you ready to finally be authentic, happy, vibrant, and fulfilled, and live a life from a place of inner-strength?
Are you ready to become incredibly proud of yourself and finally step into your joy?

Then let's talk.

I want you to feel the confidence, radical self-trust, joy and bliss that I feel in my life every day.

Schedule a F*R*E*E 50 minute, Amazing Life Strategy Session with me where I will help you identify your blocks, shift into an abundant mindset and set you up with an individualized action plan.

---> Click Here to schedule your session now

So, here's how this works:

There are limited spots available for the rest of the month until November.

We are going to discover where you are blocked, work through it and get you unstuck and moving forward. You will have a plan and the mindset that will set you up for success.

Here are the 3 rules to get hooked up:
#1 Click Here to secure a spot on my calendar.
#2 Think about the thing you MOST want to change in your life right now.
#3 Show up for the call with the intention of receiving your biggest breakthrough yet.

If this resonates with you and you know you need this:

---> Click Here to grab a time on my calendar.

I can't wait to help you!

Much love ♥,

P.S. Opportunities surround you on a daily basis. Are you willing to not only recognize it but also say YES and take action when the opportunity comes? Now is your chance! Book a time with me HERE and let's move your life forward ♥


OakLeaf Enterprises, 1910 Melbrook Ct, Munster, IN 46321, United States
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