Subject: 😏 On your own

Friend, isn't it true that we really do know what we need to do in order to have the life we want to have?

I mean, if we're being honest, in your heart you already know. We all know.  It's that voice that keeps telling you "you really should make that call" or 'you really shouldn't waste so much time being unproductive".

But you just push it aside, time and time again, and get on with what comes easier or what's less scary.

You spend time doing everything BUT the thing you know you need to do because... well, it scary to do THAT.
You continue to do that thing you know you should STOP doing because... well, it's hard to stop doing THAT.
And you fabricate great reasons (excuses) because it's even harder to tell the TRUTH about THAT.

It's hard to look in the mirror and OWN what's showing up, or NOT.

Let's face it. We are all capable of so much more but in truth..we let ourselves slide. We don't take a stand for what we are truly capable of because... we're afraid of the work, the sacrifice, the outcome, the failure, the success... the everything.

But when you have a coach, that all stops.

Your coach keeps you accountable to the things you say you won't do or will do. She won't let you slide by and push it under the rug as if it doesn't matter. She makes you look at the reason and the consequence of that choice. Not with judgement, not to blame, but so you can start being honest with yourself. Honesty builds strength.

She won't let you give up on yourself because she sees in you what's truly possible. She helps you find your hidden strengths and teaches you to use them to drive yourself forward. 

On your own you just keep doing what you're doing, even if that doing is the exact opposite of what you should be doing 😏. On your own, you don't know what you don't know.

In order to see yourself you must have a reflection to see yourself from. That is what a coach does. 
A friend will always tell you what you want to hear... a coach will tell you what you NEED to hear.
Like a good parent, a good coach will be less worried about you liking her, and more focused on helping you bring out the potential you have been sitting on.

Life passes, you will get old, you will come to the end. What that looks like is up to you. 

You can either slide by giving in to your fears and going at it alone, or you will get the honest support you need to take your life to your next level.  The choice will always be yours - alone, you will get more of the same, and that could lead to great regrets.

I want for you what YOU want for you. Let me champion you to your greatness 🏆🥉. Reply back to this email and we can chat.

To your continual growth Friend 

Transformational Coach
InVision Coaching by Elena Zanfei

Live your BEST life possible!!!

P.S. At the end of your lives, the greatest regret will be not having done what you could have done. Living a small life is sure to cause pain in the end but there is still time. Time for you to get the support you need to write a different story, the encouragement to keep going where you would normally quit and the clarity to know what to do next.  I'm here for you.  Grab a spot on my calendar HERE. We're entering a new decade soon - how is it going to be different for you? More of the same or.. something new?♥ 

A heart-centered Transformational Coach for Spiritual Women who, at times, feel like throwing in the towel on their dreams, in spite of their success and qualifications.

35 years of education in human potential, personal trials and ultimate triumph over traumas & tragedies, enable Elena to teach how to develop confidence that can be sustained over the toughest challenges. Her experiences, training and commitment, have made her strong and resilient allowing her to help other women do the same.

Uncovering their authentic self, clients discover a hidden level of strength. These discoveries allow them to shift how they approach life to create massive personal and professional success. They step into experiencing AWESOMENESS!

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