Friend, have you ever gone on a diet or known someone one has?
It can be hard to find the 'perfect' solution that delivers the results you want, right? Our search can lead us to try options after options, after options - similar as when we're looking for our personal development answers.
Not all methods deliver the results you're hoping for HOWEVER, nothing is ever lost in the process of looking for that right fit and results; I explain why in the video below.
You can't lose 50 pounds in one week. Similarly, you can't read a few books, listen to one audio, make a few changes and expect for your life and/or business to completely transform to how you want it.
Watch the video HERE and see what I recommend doing instead :-)
Everything you do brings you closer to the person you want to be - EVERYTHING.
No book, seminar, course, coach, therapist, mentor or anything you do to expand yourself is ever wasted.
EVERYTHING you do creates a foundation for what you will learn next or, constructs a clearer picture when coupled with your previous leanings.
There is a method though, that if you use it, will make it all work that much better.
Listen to it HERE... It's short.
Then reply to this email or leave me a comment on YouTube and tell me what you think.
What YOU THINK really matters to me. It helps me understand how to better serve you. Being of service is one of my highest values.
To your continual growth Friend ♥