Subject: ☼ INSPIRATION: You have to keep getting up in order to succeed

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I don't know about you but I get scared sometimes... more so now that I've decided to play a bigger game.

At times the road to my desires feels like I'm climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and I succumb to falling down.

Sometimes I have more questions than I do answers :-(

The things that has changed though, as I keep working on myself, is that I don't take small defeats as final failures.

I get back up a lot quicker and I stay up a lot longer.

The things that used to take me out don't take me out any longer... other BIGGER things do.

I've learned to take responsibility for it all... the wins and the losses.

Owning the wins allows me to feel stronger on the inside while owning the losses, allows me to know I can do something about it since I was the one who created those results.

Truth be told... success is different for everyone... and it often seems to be a moving target for the more we achieve the more we strive for - that's being human.

Nothing is ever really final...not even when we leave our bodies, there is always a NEXT (at least that is MY belief).

So what do you need to THINK next, FEEL next and DO next to keep you keeping on?

Failure is just a perception you have labeled as such. In reality, it is a result like any other result ... a sum total of your prior thoughts, feelings and actions up to that point.

So...what needs to change in order for your outcome to change?

Do you need a different mindset where you believe you can?
Do you need a different dream that stirs your soul and maybe even scares you a little because it's so meaningful to you?
Do you need a new strategy of how you will put one foot in front of the other UNTIL?
Do you need a different community to support you and hold you to the vision you have for your life?

Whatever the case... search inside while you're down and then find the COURAGE to get back up and DO something different. Too many people make a life out of licking their wounds.

Pick yourself up and tweak what you're doing and keep going until you figure our YOUR formula.

You are here for a reason bigger than your trials.
When you really GET that... getting up will be an easier thing to do.

What's the alternative?

I'm here to help you develop clarity, courage, commitment... if you need more of those... you can reach me here.

Much love ♥,

P.S.  Some people are stuck in the 'maybe when' loop, thinking that later something will happen to make everything easier. Maybe when I have more money I will... when I have that relationship I will... when I earn that degree I will.... I am here to tell you that it doesn't get any easier later. Later it just gets "later". The right time to be courageous and get back on your path (or to start on it) will always be, when you ultimately DECIDE it is!! Need my help deciding? I am HERE for you!  ♥

