Subject: ✿ Healing self-sabotage...

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Hi Friend,

I used to let myself down all the time; I had the best intentions but every time I would quit. Can you relate to this Friend?.

You start strong but never finish anything; start a diet but quite a few days later. Buy books that sit unread, start journaling and then quit. Your fitness plan interrupts when you got "too busy". Connecting more with family is short-lived. Your laundry sits unfolded, paperwork is stacked and not filed, to-do lists made but not completed and weight goals set but never reached.

I found that I was a very strong starter yet never seemed to finish anything. I had a terrible habit of 'quitting', especially when things got hard!

This quitting, not being able to follow through, to finish or stick to my commitments when things became difficult, was one of THE MAIN BLOCKS keeping me from the life I really wanted! I was giving up, all the time!

I started to feel the results of this self sabotage in my body breakdowns, an unbalanced life, low energy and drive, money problems, and always feeling guilty. I felt scattered, unfocused, frustrated and unhealthy and I began to accept that maybe this was just the card I was dealt.

But I KNEW that was NOT true! I wasn't a lazy, procrastinating, unhealthy person that gave up! I was incredibly hard working! I had a life of accomplishments, certifications and success to prove differently!

I had just developed toxic thinking habits that were sabotaging everything good that came my way. Tired of always feeling disappointed and wishing that someday things would be different, I finally realized that I had to dig deep and make a change because my way was clearly not working… .and time was passing me by.

I wasn't proud of myself and I wanted to be. I wanted to live in flow and joy not constant stress. I DECIDED to end my struggle, to surrender and stop sabotaging myself and to finish everything I started, no matter what. I set the intention and committed to it and all the support and resources I needed to make each thing happen began to show up; I just had to be ready to receive it all.

I started to detox and de-clutter my life. I eliminated soda, wrote those correspondences that I'd been putting off, eliminated toxins from my diet, my personal care products, my home and my relationships. I started to clean up anything in my life that was no longer serving me and committing to the things that did.

I focused on one thing at a time until it became a new habit and a working part of my mind. The more junk I was getting rid of physically the more junk was releasing emotionally, mentally and spiritually. And these small changes impacted my life, my self-esteem, my productivity, my health and my happiness in a HUGE way!!

So how about you? Are you ready to become a strong finisher, to stop sabotaging your efforts, get the relationships, career, money and life that you know you deserve? Are you ready to be authentic, happy, vibrant, fulfilled, and to become incredibly proud of yourself and finally step into your joy and live a life from a place of inner-strength?

It just takes the willingness to want a different life… That’s all you need at the beginning; the rest of the path will start to reveal itself.

I want you to feel the confidence, radical self-trust, joy and bliss that I feel in my life every day.

If you want this... then let's talk! Just REPLY to this email with 'I'm ready to talk' and I'll get right back to you.

I will help you figure out what's blocking you, show you how to work through it and moving forward. I'll help you shift into an abundant mindset and set you up with an individualized action plan to get you unstuck and into the mindset that will set you up for success.

I can't wait to help you!

Much love ♥,

P.S. I can't help you if you don't reach out and I so want to help you! ♥

