Subject: ✩ HAPPY NEW YEAR Friend (gift inside)

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January 1, 2016

Can you believe it Friend, it's 2016 already?

Where has the year gone?

As you stand at the onset of a new year, you might be having feelings of excitement about what's in store for the new year, or you might feel a slight sadness about how 2015 turned out in comparison to how you had hoped it would. Or, you might not feel anything... because you've tried setting New Years resolutions so many times and failed that you're now numb to the concept of seeing the new year as a new opportunity. Regardless where you are, I want you to know I understand.

2015 was a monumental year for me; not quite like I had hoped it would be but just as it needed to be in order to keep me going in the process of continual growth.

Parts of 2015 were very difficult indeed in a number of ways. My mother's worsening cancer diagnosis, my father's stroke, the death of my beloved dog Bella who was the most gentle dog one could ever hope to know. Those things pierced my heart and I cried so many tears and all the while, I was working through a grueling and challenging business program that had me wanting to quit when it pushed me against my own limits and abilities (yes, I am just LIKE you in that respect).

But 2015 also served me well in that it taught me that I am much stronger than I believed myself to be. I stayed with the pain, struggles and fear long enough to get to the other side and I did not retreat. That's the things about life....if you are willing to STAY in the process long enough, eventually you triumph to the other side. For that I am grateful. I now find myself better capable to handle MORE and suspects the 2016 will require that of me. I am ready (or so I hope I am).

I have attached a great worksheet that's going to help you evaluate the past year and learn what YOU have taken away from that 365 day experience. It's going to help you gleam your successes because I assure you that if you look for them, you will find them!! You are still here... and because you are, there is still work to be done, dreams to be had, people to touch, more to explore and achieve. This worksheet will help you with that too.

So, click here to download the FREE resource '2015 In Review, 2016 in the Making', and spend a few minutes (it won't take more than 10) and find your success and dream your dreams. No opt-in required, just click on the document name to open it so you can download it and use it.

I look forward to continuing to serve you, to let you more into my life and to know you better throughout this new year!!

Sending you my very best wishes that 2016 will be a magical year for you where you find your inner best self!

To a New Year!!♥

What You Bring to the New Year."
Vern McLellan

