Subject: (DYM BootCamp) THIS WEEK + Replay

Tonight: REVIEW and REFRAME!
Let's look at the big picture!

Tonight, I'm rearranging the curriculum so we can take a step back and get a big-picture perspective on investing. 

If you feel a bit "behind" or overwhelmed, this is the perfect place to start! This week's class will include:
  • An "Investing 1010" review/summary.
  • A fresh perspective on topics previously covered.
  • A big picture look at the market and economic trends.
  • What respected investors are saying.
  • And your questions and sharing!

I will see you at 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern today, OR 6:30pm Pacific/9:30 Eastern on Wednesday! 

The link to join is:
Passcode: WEALTH

I've changed course a bit on the curriculum because there has been LOTS of new content as well as a lot of insane volatility in the market.

It feels like an excellent time to get the 30,000 view and also make time for more Q & A rather than learn about REITs and SPACs (which I will definitely cover in a future week).

If you need to join by phone:
Meeting ID: 677 813 1626

One tap mobile:
+12532158782,,6778131626# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,6778131626# US (Houston)

Last week's REPLAY on dividend investing:

Passcode: M6wcJK$P

See you soon!

With Gratitude,

P.S. Note: Neither the training nor this email are "investment advice." Results are not typical. Investing in the stock market involves risk.

I do not manage assets or sell investments. I am a wealth educator and an investor simply sharing what has worked for me and for others.
Total Wealth, 315 N Wright Ave., Cle Elum, Washington 98922, United States
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