Subject: The 2 Magic Powers...

These 2 "magic powers" are crucial
for you to transform your life and achieve the desired results.

Without them, the chances for you to make a
definitive transformation is almost zero.
So, read this email carefully.

Magic Power # 1: Commitment

Everybody who has transformed their life on purpose,
had to commit to the desired result, to take the first
step, tackle the obstacles and adjust the route to get there.

Obvious, right?

Not so much, because the vast majority of people who
want to have new results in life, does not commit
to the desired outcome.

But if they commit, what prevents them from keep
moving forward?

They wait for the "next knowledge",
the perfect information!

And it never comes, because at the beginning,
nothing is perfect. As much as you study and learn
new theories, when it comes to taking action is quite different.
You will only know what you have to adjust once you take action.

But I also know that you cannot be immature and
take any route just to see how it feels, after all,
to move from the ordinary to the extraordinary
requires changes.

That is why I organized the International Symposium
on Self-Transformation
so that anyone could find the
little "extra" in any speech and to be able to take the
first steps in the direction of their dreams.

Once you commit and take the first steps in the right direction,
you will need the second magic power.

Magic Power # 2: Courage

In addition to the commitment to begin your journey
you will need Courage to continue.

That's because you probably will not get good
results in the beginning, or the first results will
be quite different from what you imagined.

You may even get good results at the beginning
as if life were supporting you in your decisions,
but if you always expect a clear path without any
obstacles, you might get disappointed.

I very much like a text by the philosopher Goethe,
about commitment and courage, which says:

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative and creation,
there is one elementary truth the ignorance of
which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would
never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream
of events issues from the decision, raising in one's
favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and
material assistance which no man could have dreamed
would have come his way.

Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”

Commit yourself and have the courage to move forward.
That "extra" you are looking for, you will find during your journey.

And now you have the chance to do differently, and
become a member of the Golden Access, and have the opportunity
to study the speeches of professionals from different areas,
all talking about the same thing, self-transformation.

And as I told you in the last email, this is the last week
to subscribe to the Golden Access. The opportunity to become
a golden member ends on Friday at 11:59 pm.


Tomorrow I'll talk about the bonuses we have prepared for you.
And these bonuses will ONLY be available to people
who acquire the Golden Access.

So long,

Andre De Rezende
PS .: The Golden Access has UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE for 30 DAYS!
30 days with no risk to watch the entire event and decide if you want to keep the it to help Transform your Life. And during this time if you decide to cancel, just send me an email canceling your access and I will refund 100% of your money.


8102 Moonstone Dr., 34233, Sarasota, United States
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