Subject: Your bio for our webpage, topics for fireside talks

Dear members,

Intersection Group needs your help!

picture, job title, city, bio

We will launch our new webpage soon and want to present advising member's bios and pictures. Some of you already sent us pictures and bios, unfortunately, most of the pictures are of insufficient resolution. Please send us the following information as a reply to this email:

  • job title

  • city, country

  • picture (1000x1000 pixel or larger)

  • bio (3-4 sentences)

fireside talks

We plan to have monthly fireside talks every third Wednesday 8am CET or 6pm CET (60 mins presentations, 30 mins discussion). The idea is that we want to open a space to listen to the ideas of "Alien" disciplines to enable a positive encounter in the intersection.

Please send us potential topics you want to address as a reply to this email or add it directly to the wiki:

Thank you very much

Milan & Wolfgang

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