Subject: Join our next EDGY training starting January 11!

Dear Friend,

We have big news! Our third EDGY Language Foundations online course will take place from January 11th to February 15th at Australia to Africa/Europe friendly timeslots.

In this course you will learn how work with Enterprise Design Facets, Enterprise Elements and Relationships to:

(1) Frame challenges and scope meaningful change.

(2) Co-design with a simple visual language for everyone.

(3) Inform strategy with identity, intent and agency.

(4) Use human insights to spot opportunities to make a difference.

(5) Implement capabilities needed to deliver at scale.

What others say about the course:

“I have not felt so happy in a training and gotten so much out of a model in a while. Love your work, your deep thinking behind it and yet your humility and invitation to collaborator. Both Wolfgang and Milan walk the talk and it is beautiful to experience.”
Maria Campillo, BTS USA

“Excellent course covering Enterprise Design approach and EDGY, with first-class materials (videos and pdfs) and superb lessons by experienced Milan Guenther and Wolfgang Goebl, top professionals from their special areas. I suggest this course to people interested in designing better enterprises!”
Eero Hosiaisluoma, Kela Finland

“This course gave me a solid foundation in the principles of EDGY and Enterprise Design. I really enjoyed the format with the mix of written materials and videos to watch alongside the practical workshops online and the time allotted to talking about the concepts in a group forum.”
Vincent Pickering, ACC New Zealand

Sounds interesting? Join our next online EDGY training starting January 11th 2024, 9 am Berlin, 6 pm Melbourne!

Milan and Wolfgang

What is EDGY 23 and what is it for?

Introducing a simple but powerful visual language everybody can understand and relate to, EDGY enables designers, architects and change makers to co-design a coherent enterprise by identifying the most impactful perspectives and translating between them. Well-defined, reusable Enterprise Elements turn a complex enterprise into a set of interconnected parts, ready to be designed, mapped and transformed.

Course Outline:

Preparation week

Meet your instructors, your fellow students and discover the course materials.

Week 1: Getting started with EDGY

What is Enterprise Design? How to recognise a well-designed enterprise? Learn how to use EDGY, the Enterprise Design Facets and Enterprise Elements to co-create better futures, frame challenges and scope initiatives.

Week 2: Enterprise Identity

Learn how to work with purpose, and to engage your leadership and teams. Build a purpose portfolio to clarify your enterprise's strategy and intent and design for organisational performance, and make it actionable in your Organisation and Brand.

Week 3: Enterprise Architecture

Learn how to work with the operational reality of the enterprise and translate ambitious ideas into execution. Spot and map out capabilities to inform Organisation and Product design.

Week 4: Enterprise Experience

Learn how to apply a customer and human-centric approach to enterprise change. Identify the Top Tasks of customers and other important people, and shift the enterprise Product and Brand portfolio to be useful to them.

Graduation week

Conclude the course, validate and celebrate your achievements and obtain your certificate.

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