Dear Friend,
Thank you for registering for our Intersection Group sponsored webinar “Capabilities Reloaded”. The format will be a bit different from most webinars where we talk, and you listen. There will be a good deal of that however, We want to answer your questions about collecting, documenting, and leverage of Capabilities.
To that end, a little context will be helpful, and we want to “prime the pump” for a good flow of questions from you using the Chat function.
We will prompt you several times to post questions into Chat but we know that there is never enough time to respond to most let alone all questions that come up.
We will record the online seminar and Chat. We will respond to every question that is posted to Chat in the flow of the presentation, before we close, and as a mailing to all who joined. Following close of the online seminar.
Attached here is “food for thought” and a list of questions you will be asked about Capability-Thinking to accelerate better design and implementation of enterprises. Feel free to read it an prepare a bit before the webinar - amazing discussions may be the result!
Rich, Jim, and Wolfgang |