Subject: DON’T grow a following online (here’s why)

DON’T grow a following online (here’s why)

January 15th, 2021 at 9:52 pm +08

Hey there, There’s a common misconception in the affiliate world that you need some huge following or list to make a decent living online. I have met and worked with hundreds of successful affiliate marketers in my life. Over 80% of them didn’t ...

7 reasons to start using FB Challenges in 2021!

January 12th, 2021 at 9:14 pm +08

Hey there, One of the hottest marketing strategies of 2020 were Facebook Challenges. Plain and simple. It's an easy way to get a flood of sales and sign-ups fast. The good news is they're not going away. In fact, they're only getting MORE popular! E ...

Do this & watch the sales pour in…

January 9th, 2021 at 1:10 pm +08

Hey, After doing affiliate marketing full-time from home, I’ve learned some things work well and some things just don’t work at all… Trust me, I’ve tried it all. Facebook ads, Youtube, Facebook Groups, Quora, Pinterest, Youtube Ads, Google ...

Quick follow up from last email…

January 6th, 2021 at 9:58 am +08

Hi, In the last email, I mentioned how desperate I had gotten to get my affiliate business making money… Today I want to show you what I did to get out of the nasty rabbit hole I was in. Day after day I’d be learning a new method to get sales… ...

Affiliate marketing is DEAD...

January 4th, 2021 at 12:35 am +08

Hi, I’m sure you’ve heard this a lot… And as someone who’s been doing affiliate marketing full time the past 3 years, I agree. If you’re promoting random products on popular affiliate networks like Clickbank, JV Zoo, or Amazon Associates i ...

Ready to crush affiliate marketing in 2021?

January 2nd, 2021 at 8:40 pm +08

Hi, Happy New Year 2021 to You Your Family! Today, I hope to open your eyes to why promoting low-profit products on Clickbank is leaving you stuck with little to no results. And were going to show how to #1 affiliate business model to launch online ...

How does he make 42 dollars for every 1 dollar spent?

December 31st, 2020 at 12:22 am +08

Hi, How does Matt make 42 dollars for every 1 dollar spent? (That's a whopping 4,200% ROI by the way) He does it by obsessively 'split-testing' his emails... What is a split test? Split-testing is when you test all different versions of your copy ( ...

Free eBook download - Your First Commission

December 27th, 2020 at 7:55 pm +08

Hi, Here's my challenge to you... Can you commit to joining and implementing this program for the coming weeks and months... If you are SERIOUS about living the internet lifestyle, I strongly suggest implementing it. When you start implementing an ...

Affiliate marketing is broken

December 19th, 2020 at 11:21 pm +08

Hi, Picture this... (If you can even relate to this hit “reply” and tell me) I sat there looking it over and with every outcome I failed… I would look at the affiliate marketing model and what I was being taught to do by all the so-called gur ...

Why traditional affiliate marketing fails...

December 16th, 2020 at 11:44 pm +08

Hey there, Today, I want to share some shocking stats with you to help you further understand how our industry works and why it's completely horrible. Did you know that 99% of people who try to build a traditional affiliate marketing online business ...