Subject: Who I voted for and why (answer inside)

Hey there, 

With the US presidential election yesterday, the internet is on fire with opinions, arguments, and predictions galore!

I've been asked many times... "Who'd you vote for?"

Well, I'm not an American or in the US...


I'll tell you who I'm voting on, and who you should be too...

This person is the only one that hasn't let me down

This person is the only person who can change my life

This person can do anything they want IF they REALLY want it

Can you guess who the vote goes to?

ME! Yep, myself...

And I suggest you do the same, my friend...

YOU are the one you should be voting on right now to create the life you want

No one else will do it for you.

No president.

No government.

No leaders.

No gurus.

YOU must make it happen... But the good news is, you can make it easier and faster by joining forces with me

Here's how

Whatever happens in the days ahead... Never forget that we must vote on ourselves to get what we want in life.

I'm voting on me to get what I want.

I hope you're voting on yourself too.

Watch this and let's make something happen together

All the best

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