Subject: Watch out for this

Hey there,

Especially nowadays…people are selling ‘make money’ courses left and right.

You see someone that looks trustworthy.

They had good testimonials…

But you’re still not sure if they faked their way to the TOP.

You start to think...if they are making all this money with this business, why would they teach it and make it more competitive for themselves?

These are the thoughts I had when first stumbling into affiliate marketing.

The cold hard truth?

These ‘gurus’ teach now because it got too competitive for them!

Most of the people teaching these courses will show you outdated theories that USED to work…

This is why I don’t buy ‘make money’ courses anymore.

Instead, you should align yourself with a company and mentor that has a real reason to help you…

That’s what I did...

And now my mentor and I are helping people for free...


For ONE we know the average-joe usually can’t afford to risk 1k - 2k, no matter what the course is….

For TWO, our goal is to make 5,000 new sales this year on Builderall.

And since Builderall’s commission structure is 30% recurring on 2 tiers…

Whenever you make a sale, I also make a sale since you would be ‘under’ me on Builderall.

In other words…

The more sales you make the more sales I make.

That’s when we realized…

Instead of trying to make 5,000 new sales this year all by ourselves...

Why not just teach 100 people how to make 50 sales each (or more).

That way, we’d get our goal of 5,000 new sales…

And you would get your goal of having enough recurring income to pay your bills each month.

This way we can keep it free...

Plus, you won’t see any other upsells or courses from us.

It won’t benefit us in this case.

Avoid getting scammed and read this personal invitation work privately with us on our affiliate team.

And never buy a course again,

190 Clemenceau Avenue, 239924, Singapore, Singapore
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