Subject: Have you seen this?

Hey there,

Ever heard of the website builder company WIX?

I’m sure you’ve seen their ads all over the place…

Well, they just surpassed over 120 million users on their platform.

And they get 20 million new users every month…

What if you could just a little piece of that action?

When it comes to picking your niche for affiliate marketing there’s a few things you want to make sure it has...

* It’s evergreen
* It has a high demand

For example it would be a BAD idea to start promoting fidget spinners again…

But with promoting ALL-IN-ONE digital marketing platforms, like Builderall.

There are millions of search terms people are typing into Google and Youtube around digital marketing...that have little to no competition.

And with the 120 million people on WIX, this proves that there are millions of people that need an ALL-IN-ONE marketing platform like Builderall...

This means there’s more than enough room for you, me, and hundreds of other affiliates to do this profitably too.

Like I said earlier, our goal is to get just 5,000 new sales this year.

This is how we’re going to do it…

We are going to get 100 affiliates to work on our Builderall affiliate team and teach them how to make 50 sales each (or more).

I’d Get My Goal & You'd Get Your Goal Of Monthly Recurring Income

The more sales you make, the more sales I make…

That’s why we’re doing everything in our power to help everyone in this group to be our next affiliate student/partner to make at least 50 sales this year on Builderall with us so you can cover your bills with ease each month.

It won’t happen for everyone. Many people will only make an extra $100 - $500 per month.

But the select few who are willing to work hard with us and follow our instructions...they have the best chance to crush it in this NEW niche.

Trust me.

We’re sharing everything.

It’s in our best interest.

We can’t do it alone.

We need your help.

We will get 100 people to make 50 sales each (or more) this year.

So, if you’re ready to attack this HUGE market of people who need digital marketing tools:

>> Read this personal invitation to work privately on our affiliate team and let us show you how to dominate this NEW niche...

Look forward to working with you,
190 Clemenceau Avenue, 239924, Singapore, Singapore
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