Subject: Do this & watch the sales pour in…


After doing affiliate marketing full-time from home, I’ve learned some things work well and some things just don’t work at all…

Trust me, I’ve tried it all.

Facebook ads, Youtube, Facebook Groups, Quora, Pinterest, Youtube Ads, Google Ads, MLM’s, Solo Ads…

You name it.

And, after my mentor, Chad got his affiliate marketing business 6 figures per year in profit…

After helping dozens of other struggling affiliates get to their first $100 a day...

Here are 3 steps that never failed my mentor or any of his students: (including myself)

1) Focus on 1 CORE product

I know some affiliates who promote dozens even hundreds of different products all to the same niche and it doesn’t work well.

Sure now they can say they have ‘multiple streams of income’ and feel better about themselves…

But, that doesn’t get you to your goal faster.

Plus imagine having to manage hundreds of different payouts from all these companies than trying to organize that in your taxes…

No thanks!

This is why my mentor says that throughout the past 3 years as a full-time affiliate marketer, he’s mainly promoted 1 CORE product throughout his career.

The result?

He became the #1 affiliate of the company and has been paid out over $300,000 in commissions from them.

As my dad used to say to me, keep it simple stupid ;)
2) Focus on 1 CORE funnel

Following what I just said...keep it simple stupid. There’s been 9 figure companies built off a simple opt-in page that goes to a thank you page.

After that you have an email follow up where you give them your best offer.

You only have 2 jobs after this funnel is done:

One: Keep nurturing and selling to your leads

Two: Keep getting new leads into your funnel

That’s it!

3) Focus on 1 CORE platform for traffic

When I first started affiliate marketing I thought I needed to be on 8 different platforms at once.

Boy did I learn the hard way.

If you have a team of 20 full-time content employees, go right ahead…

...but for the average joe just trying to make enough money to pay his bills, just focus on 1 FREE traffic source & 1 PAID traffic source.

For example, if you’re making Youtube videos it might be a good idea to do Youtube ads too.

This way you can separate yourself from the rest of the competition and just DOMINATE 1 platform.

Hope this can give a crisp clear path to your future success.

More Soon,

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