Subject: A dog tale...

Hey there,

I read about this tale and would like to share it with you.

Every morning, 

A boy walks past a factory on the way to school.

And he’ll notice a grumpy looking dog at the security guard house...

Constantly growling at anybody who passes by.

One day, as the boy was making his way home from school…

He saw a security guard, feeding the dog who was still seated in the same position.

Out of curiosity…

He asked the guard.

“Why does the dog keep growling at everyone?”

“He’s not growling at anybody.”

The guard said.

The dog is just experiencing a little discomfort.

And when the guard nudged the gloomy looking dog aside…

The boy realized that the dog had been sitting on a hard surface all this while.

And it was actually grimacing in discomfort.

The boy didn’t understand…

Why doesn't the dog move away from the sitting place?

And the guard revealed…

That the factory’s previous owner…

Actually trained the dog to sit on the hard surface to prove a point.

Every day, the owner would reward the dog with delicious food and treats…

Whenever the dog sits on the designated hard surface.

And as time goes by…

The owner only feeds the dog as long as it stays seated on the designated hard surface.


The dog has not only gotten used to the discomfort that is causing it.

But it has also accepted that it's the only way in order to be fed.

End of story…

Is there anyone you know who is having the same situation as the dog in the story?

People who are constantly worried about their job security, finances, etc...

And how bad the situation is…

But they never get off from that situation that’s bothering them?

Only because they are conditioned to believe…

The only way to have an income…

Is to keep enduring the discomfort of a job…

In order to get a little reward.

And many people today are still trapped in this dilemma.

This dilemma is actually a deadly concoction of these 2 ingredients:

Comfort in familiarity + Fear of the unknown.

And it’s known to stop people from chasing their dreams…

Which will eventually cause them to regret later in life.

What’s worst…

With this pandemic, companies are now firing instead of hiring new staff.

Instead of comparing ourselves to others who are in the same situation...

We should learn from others who have broken the chain of this bondage…

And are living a more carefree and abundant life.

If you are ready to get up from the discomfort…

Let me show you a way to a better future.

Best of luck and talk soon,
190 Clemenceau Avenue, 239924, Singapore, Singapore
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