Subject: Art of Tantra Massage

Hi Friend,
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."

A tantric massage is like the carving of a sculpture, where you remove the excess of stone, until the piece of art is revealed. As Michelangelo said:

 “The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.” 

In a similar way, tantra massage removes all our fears, blockages, inhibitions, inferiority complexes, body shame, etc, which stop us from being in the present moment and truly intimate with each other. 

Tantra massage reveals the amazing piece of art that each of us already is, once all the layers are removed. And that is our soul, our true essence. 

In order to be able to help people in this way through tantra massage, we need to develop this art. And an artist is normally characterized by having an amazing divine inspiration. At the same time, he/she needs to have certain skills. 

The inspiration that pours through us once we silence our mind and center in our heart makes us to really connect with the true needs of the person we are about to massage. 

One important skill is conscious touch. Touch can be the carrier of consciousness. 

When we reach out and touch another human being, we can start to connect with that person from our consciousness, not only physically. And if that person also knows how to reach out and receive consciously, to meet the consciousness of the one giving, this is when the merging takes place. 

In that moment the receiver can have an altered state of consciousness and can feel as if he/she is massaging the hands of the other one with his/her body. The body line also seems to disappear and expansion is experienced.

Becoming conscious about touch is essential in tantra.

Join us in Aarhus on May 13th for the Art of Tantra Massage workshop, where you can experience and learn first hand how to touch consciously. 
Click on the image below to sign up:
If you cannot join us this time, relax and keep your aspiration level high! We will let you know soon about our next event. To get a feeling of conscious touch click on the image below and watch this inspirational video:
You are welcome to contact us for any questions or comments at education@tantra-temple.comor call 2195 9199.

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Adinatha and the Tantra Massage Education team

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