Let's set intentions!
If you're like me, sometimes the important-but-not-urgent things get neglected in favor of the urgent-but-less important things.
(I'm referencing the urgent-important matrix, created by President Eisenhower and popularized years later by Steven Covey.)
That's why I'm holding an intention-setting event tomorrow on Zoom... to create a time and space for the important work of completing the past and creating clarity and possibility for the future!
It's happening tomorrow: Sunday, January 3, from 1 to 4pm Pacific/ 4 to 7pm Eastern.
The link to join:
zoom.us/j/6778131626 Passcode: WEALTH
If you are joining by phone: Meeting ID: 677 813 1626
One tap mobile: +12532158782,,6778131626# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,6778131626# US (Houston)
(You may prefer to write in a journal... do it however it works for you! I'll gently guide us along.) This isn't a typical online workshop or seminar. I'll simply provide a structure (using my Intention-Setting Guide) and we'll all provide the "space" for YOU to:
- reflect on and "complete" 2020
- get clarity about what you want for the future
- create the coming year with specific goals and intentions
- walk away with "proective gratitude" affirmations.
Join from wherever you are and I'll guide us through the journaling process. There will also be opportunities to share, if you like.
I look forward to seeing you on Zoom!