Subject: Friend [IMPORTANT] AVOID in Business Personal ISSUESS

Personal issues to avoid in business

Yap for a few weeks I was absent. Couldn't manage to be productive.
I had some personal positive and some unwanted issues. One of the positive issues has been that my baby has become one year old. And as he tries to make his first steps I have to run more behind him. So enjoying motherhood to the fullest but as I said there have been also some unwanted issues. So I realized that my personal issues were clashing with my professional work time. Now I had to plan how to work without any clash of my personal life and professional life.

As you know I give full time to my baby and household at day time and work when my baby gets a sleep. 
But honestly I didn’t have any plan for my work. I was just doing one after one. This was an experience of doing it in the wrong way.

Now with the experience of two Launches and affiliate Marketing I am taking a small break from launching for maybe one month. Although I have lots of Launches in my plans, I think I should concentrate on providing value to YOU and my other work and then go on with more Launches.

I will concentrate more on how to handle everything. 😅

Right now I am planning.

So I will keep you updated. So I hope you are doing it right on planning your porefessional work and not just doing it like me. For the learning purpose it was ok that I just kept going on and was taking action . But now that I have experienced all this I should have a proper plan.

So if you had any experience in your work let me know. 

BIS DANN! With best health and success wishes AKTAR

Wish you best success

Aktar Al
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