When “Free” Costs Money...

February 13th, 2011 at 4:07 am +08

Hi Friend,

People don’t realize it, but sometimes
getting something for “free” can be really

How so?

There are a couple of ways. The first is
that ANYONE can give away something for free.

So there’s a lot of bad information out
there. And even though it may not “cost”
you anything in terms of money...

...Once you start to implement it and put
it into action, and it fails to work as
advertised, it’s going to cost you money.

And when you do get good free advice, it’s
easy to ignore it.

Hey, it was “free” after all. You can just
leave it on the hard drive and get around
to it when you have time.

But since it’s “free”, that’s exactly how
you value it.

You place the value of the information at
zero. It’s just the way humans are wired.

I’m giving you something for “free”, but
I hope you can place the value higher than

It’s a video where Melford and Concetta Bibens
outline the exact selling system that they
used to make over a million  dollars in 2010...

There’s a lot of valuable lessons there. A
big problem that they had was focusing on the
wrong aspects of their business...

...When they started to change their focus,
their results changed massively.

==> Click here now to take action

But don’t fall into the trap that just because
you aren’t paying for it that it’s worthless.

If you use apply this stuff to your business,
it can be worth 6-7 figures easy.

Take care,
Rich Stamford

P.S. I’ll give you a hint. If you think the
“big secret” is in driving traffic or owning
the latest wiz-bang software, you’re going
to be disappointed.

==> Click here to make money now
