VOOPlayer - Best Free Video Player Platform

March 26th, 2012 at 10:00 pm +08

I want to make sure you have seen
this new free video player platform,
which is better than most of the paid
ones out there:
Get Your F.ree Video Player Platform
Just visit the site and register and use
it for f.ree.

There is nothing to download or install.
It is all web-based!
Bill Zimmerman and John Socratous
spent months in development and testing,
and plan on expanding on it as well. 

The best part of the player is that it works
on any video hosted on Amazon S3 or any
other server.

And it also works for Youtube videos as well.
It works on Wordpress of course, so you no
longer have to search for plugins that are
working and supported.
Oh, and it has an overlay feature which means
you can add any clickable text or image to
your videos.

So you can add BUY buttons, images, text...
anything you want! And it's clickable!
A BUNCH of other features as well!
Oh and did I mention VooPlayer is free?
Get Your F.ree Video Player Platform

Talk soon,
Rich Stamford
